My JavaScript book recommendations

I’ve been using JavaScript since the late 1990s – the era of the first browser wars between Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. At the time it was just to liven up the static html pages with some mouse over effects. Since the early 2000s it was all about simple form validations. But from 2008 onwards – thanks to the arrival of jQuery and the meanwhile ubiquitous presence of Ajax – the use of JavaScript has exploded. I’ve been using jQuery extensively since 2009, mainly to enhance to user experience of the web sites and applications that I’ve developed.

Probably due to the vast number of jQuery plugins that are available, I’ve never felt the need to really deepen my knowledge of the JavaScript language. That is, up until november 2012, the time I first came in to contact with the amazing framework that is called AngularJS. As a veteran Java developer AngularJS I was immediately very charmed by the framework because on the one hand there were all these familiar concepts like dependency injection, the MVC pattern, modularity, data binding, etc., whilst on the other hand my productivity soared using AngularJS instead of server side Java frameworks like Wicket or JSF. Continue reading “My JavaScript book recommendations”

My First Real AngularJS Project (with Spring REST and Data JPA)

I’ve been playing around with AngularJS since March this year but only in my spare time. So I was thrilled to be able to use AngularJS on an actual real-world project at my day job at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam.

So for the last three weeks I’ve been working at a small but nice web site. The web site is a training course catalogue for the nursing education program, which is ordered according to the CanMEDS Framework. Last week I released version 1.0 and next wednesday it will be formally presented to the public during an important conference.

The application is split into a backend with a REST interface and a Single Page frontend that’s basically a master-detail page with some filtering options, and added to it some necessary administration pages. I’ve built the backend of the application with Spring Data JPA, Spring REST, and Spring Security. For the frontend I’d chosen AngularJS and Boostrap 3. Below I will describe some of my experiences from the last couple of weeks.
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A very simple RSS reader with AngularJS and Google Feed API

Last year I’ve written a few lines about aggregating feeds with SimplePlie. SimplePie is a nice PHP library but the version I used broke when my hosting provider decided to upgrade the servers to a new PHP version. Although a new version was quickly installed, I found the broken pages to be the perfect motivation to finally do some coding with AngularJS.So after having attended a few workshops about AngularJS, and having read the excellent book by Brad Green and Shyam Seshadri, I finally got around to do some actual work with the framework.

Continue reading “A very simple RSS reader with AngularJS and Google Feed API”